
Sunday School Lighthouse Christian Church Warrenton Oregon

Sunday School

Here at LCC it’s all about Jesus and Family! Our Church was designed with children in mind, from bright kid-sized furnishings to our totally fun and fenced-in playground. Children are loved by their church family in a fun, caring, and safe place. All kids are embraced, including those with special needs.

We currently offer childcare for: Nursery (Birth - 2 years), Toddlers (3 yrs - 6 yrs), Kids K-5th

Your child (no matter the age) is more than welcome to join our normal service. We also have a Cry Room in the main sanctuary where you can comfortably attend the service with your little one :)


Home Groups

We have multiple home groups in the area for young adults, women, and mixed adults. Sign up on your Sunday connection card or contact us to join!

Our home groups are designed to be uniform in structure. All groups will be studying the same verses each week.


Youth Group

Living Water Youth Group meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm at LCC for games, worship, message, food, fellowship & More! Come join us!

Food and Clothing Ministry Lighthouse Christian Church

MannaHouse Food Pantry

  • LCC provides food bank which takes place every third Saturday of the month — 9am to 11am

  • If you or someone you know need a box of food, please do not hesitate to come and get one. We also offer boxes during the month to anyone who comes to our church asking.

  • Donations are welcome!


Lighthouse Preschool

Lighthouse Preschool’s mission is to provide quality education, in partnership with parents, with a foundation in Christian faith. Contact us today to learn more about enrollment.


Pay It Forward Board

(Located just past the men’s bathroom on the wall)

If you would like to giveaway anything, have work that needs to be done, have services you offer, or simply want to bless someone, etc. You can post it to the board!


Questions? Contact us to learn more.

Upcoming events.

Check out our calendar to see what’s happening this month!